
On this page, we have posted photographs of various hydrothermal minerals and textures that we have taken over the years.  We will add to these photographs and aim to post something new each month. Click on any photograph to see a larger image.

Actinolite Hydrothermal amphiboles (actinolite-tremolite) form at high temperature (>290°C) in near-neutral pH conditions, and usually where permeability is low.

actinolite 1
Secondary amphibole (actinolite) replacing primary pyroxene (augite) crystal in andesite, preserving the original twinning. Plane polarised light, field of view = 1.2 mm.
actinolite 2
Same as above, crossed polarisers.

Adularia Typically, vein adularia crystals are very small and difficult to see within quartz because of their similar relief and birefringence (both are slightly lower in adularia).  Here you can see three large rhomb shaped adularia crystals with patchy twinning, and if you look carefully, a few smaller grains in the quartz. Vein adularia indicates neutral pH and good permeability, and can form over a wide range of temperatures, from about 150 to 300°C.  It is often associated with boiling fluids, and hence with gold in epithermal vein deposits.

Adularia in quartz 1
Adularia in quartz, showing three large rhombic crystals and several smaller crystals in quartz. Plane polarised light, field of view = 3.0 mm.
Same as above, crossed polarisers.
Same as above, crossed polarisers.

Alunite, an aluminium sulphate mineral, is diagnostic of acid fluids, and so is often found with minerals like kaolinite and diaspore.  There is a solid solution between Na and K end members, with natroalunite predominating at low temperatures.  At very low temperatures, alunite forms very small crystals with psuedocubic outlines, but thin randomly oriented plates like those below are more typical.

Alunite quartz 1
Colourless alunite needles with random orientations are intergrown with fine granular quartz. Plane polarised light, field of view = 3.0 mm.
Alunite quartz 2
Same as above, crossed polarisers.

Anhydrite forms in a range of environments, including permeable zones where there is boiling, mixing of acid and neutral fluids, from magmatic SO2, and from heating of seawater. It can form over a wide temperature range, but at low temperature it readily alters to gypsum.

Anhydrite crystals intergrown with opaque minerals (black) and calcite (brownish). Plane polarised light, field of view = 1.2 mm.
Same as above, crossed polarisers.

Arsenopyrite, an iron arsenic sulphide, is commonly associated with pyrite, and occurs in many gold deposits.   It can form over a wide temperature range.

Arsenopyrite (whitish crystals) with quartz (black).  The arsenopyrite is pleochroic from bluish white to yellowish.  Reflected light, field of view = 1.2 mm.
Same as above, crossed polarisers.  Note the twinning and bireflectance within arsenopyrite crystals.

Azurite and malachite are hydrous copper carbonates that generally form in low temperature, oxidised, low pH environments, often as a weathering product above copper-bearing sulphide deposits.

Blue azurite intergrown with radiating green malachite
Blue azurite crystals intergrown with radiating green malachite.  Plane polarised light, field of view = 1.2 mm.
Azurite malachite2
Same as above, crossed polarisers.

Barite is common in submarine geothermal systems, and in their fossil equivalents, VHMS (volcanic hosted massive sulphide) deposits, where it can be accompanied by gold and other metals, including copper, lead, zinc and silver.  It also occurs in some high and low-sulphidation epithermal deposits, and Carlin-type deposits.  Barite can form over a very wide temperature range, and so can be found with low and high-temperature minerals.

Barite in quartz
Coarse (up to 2 mm) tabular high-relief barite crystals in finer grained interstitial quartz. Plane polarised light, field of view = 3.0 mm.
Barite in quartz 2
Same as above, crossed polarisers.

Bornite is an important copper ore mineral which is deposited at high temperatures, particularly in porphyry and skarn deposits.

Bornite (pink/orange) with chalcocite (blue-grey), chalcopyrite (yellow), covellite (dark blue) and pyrite (cream). Reflected light, field of view = 1.2 mm.
Bornite (pink/orange) with chalcocite (blue-grey), chalcopyrite (yellow), covellite (dark blue) and pyrite (cream). Reflected light, field of view = 1.2 mm.

Calcite has many crystal forms, but one of the most spectacular is the platy form which is deposited from boiling fluids.  It is therefore found beneath the surface in active geothermal systems, and may be preserved in some low sulphidation epithermal veins (as here), although more commonly the calcite plates are replaced by quartz as the system cools, with quartz preserving the platy texture.

Coarse platy calcite crystals are accompanied by interstitial quartz and fine adularia rhombs. Plane polarised light, field of view = 3.0 mm.
Coarse platy calcite crystals are accompanied by interstitial quartz and fine adularia rhombs. Plane polarised light, field of view = 3.0 mm.
Same as above, crossed polarisers.
Same as above, crossed polarisers.

Chalcedony is a cryptocrystalline form of silica (SiO2), composed of very fine radiating intergrowths of quartz (which has a trigonal structure) and moganite (which is monoclinic). Chalcedony forms where silica deposition is very rapid, and generally at less than 190°C, though rarely it can form at higher temperatures.

Coarse radiating chalcedony bundles have nucleated on small quartz crystals, and enclose a patch of quartz (top right). Plane polarised light, field of view 1.2 mm.
Radiating chalcedony bundles have nucleated on small quartz crystals, and enclose a patch of quartz (top right). Plane polarised light, field of view 1.2 mm.
Same as above, crossed polarisers.
Same as above, crossed polarisers.

Chlorite encompasses a group of minerals that are common in geothermal systems, especially where temperatures are moderate (<300°C), pH is near neutral, and permeability is moderate to low.

Coarse, pale green radiating chlorite and minor calcite have crystallised in amygdules in this andesite. Plane polarised light, field of view = 1.2 mm.
Coarse, pale green radiating chlorite and minor calcite have crystallised in amygdules in this andesite. Plane polarised light, field of view = 1.2 mm.
0349 chl cal in amygdules 2
Same as above, crossed polarisers. Note the anomalous blue birefringence.

Covellite is present in many high sulphidation gold deposits, but also commonly forms during the supergene alteration of rocks containing copper

Coarse intergrown covellite crystals, which have varying shades of light to dark blue and violet at different orientations. Reflected light, field of view = 1.2 mm
Same as above, crossed polarisers

Cristobalite is a silica mineral that forms metastably from low temperature (<200°C), often slightly acid hydrothermal fluids, and also through deuteric alteration.

This vesicular pyroxene andesite has been partly altered to clay, and the vesicles have been infilled by coarse almost cubic cristobalite crystals. Plane polarised light, field of view = 3.0 mm.
Same as above, crossed polarisers.

Diaspore (AlO(OH)) is indicative of acid fluids where it has formed by hydrothermal alteration (as in this case).  However, it can also form by weathering (in bauxites) and metamorphism of aluminous rocks.

Granular diaspore crystals are present in fractures in this intensely altered rock that is largely composed of fine quartz with minor pyrite and iron oxides. Plane polarised light, field of view = 3.0 mm.
Granular diaspore crystals are present in fractures in this intensely altered rock that is largely composed of fine quartz with minor pyrite and iron oxides. Plane polarised light, field of view = 3.0 mm.
Same as above, crossed polarisers.
Same as above, crossed polarisers.

Dickite is a higher temperature polymorph of kaolinite, which forms in the presence of near neutral to acid fluids at temperatures of about 200 to 250°C.

A large feldspar phenocryst has been completely replaced by fine, almost colourless dickite clay and alunite needles, and surrounded by fine quartz, dickite and alunite, with scattered pyrite (black) and a quartz phenocryst (top left). Plane polarised light, field of view = 3.0 mm
A large feldspar phenocryst has been completely replaced by fine, almost colourless dickite clay and alunite needles, and surrounded by fine quartz, dickite and alunite, with scattered pyrite (black) and a quartz phenocryst (top left). Plane polarised light, field of view = 3.0 mm.
11242 dickite al q 2
Same as above, crossed polarisers.

Enargite forms at moderate to high temperatures, under relatively oxidising, acid conditions.  It commonly occurs with quartz, alunite, covellite and luzonite in advanced argillic assemblages, and is diagnostic of high-sulphidation epithermal mineralisation.

A13225 enargite cv py 1
Enargite (shades of brownish to bluish grey) with covellite (light to dark blue) and pyrite (cream). Reflected light, field of view = 1.2 mm.
Same as above, crossed polarisers.
Same as above, crossed polarisers.

Epidote is a key temperature indicator mineral in geothermal systems, as it only forms above about 240°C, or higher in the case of euhedral crystals like these.  It varies from almost colourless to very yellow in thin section, and is normally clearly visible in rock samples.

Pale yellow pleochroic epidote crystals intergrown with quartz and feldspar. Plane polarised light, field of view = 1.2 mm.
Pale yellow pleochroic epidote crystals intergrown with quartz and feldspar. Plane polarised light, field of view = 1.2 mm.
Same as above, crossed polarisers

Fluorite can occur in zones of acid hydrothermal alteration, and is common in some skarns and greisens.

S9248 fluorite stibnite skarn 1
Colourless tightly packed fluorite crystals are accompanied by scattered opaque grains. Plane polarised light, field of view = 3.0 mm.
Same as above, crossed polarisers. Being isotropic, fluorite is black under crossed polarisers.
Same as above, crossed polarisers. Being isotropic, fluorite is black under crossed polarisers.

Garnet The garnet that occurs in geothermal systems is usually hydrogrossular or andradite, and can be weakly anisotropic and zoned. It forms at high temperatures (>280°C), and so is often accompanied by minerals such as actinolite and biotite.

Coarse yellowish garnet is partly altered to chlorite (green), pyrite (black) and calcite, and intergrown with quartz and fine epidote. Plane polarised light, field of view = 3.0 mm.
Coarse yellowish garnet is partly altered to chlorite (green), pyrite (black) and calcite, and intergrown with quartz and fine epidote. Plane polarised light, field of view = 3.0 mm.
Same as above, crossed polarisers. Like fluorite, garnet is isotropic.
Same as above, crossed polarisers. Like fluorite, garnet is isotropic.

Gypsum forms at low temperatures (<120°C) in geothermal systems, and often replaces anhydrite.  It indicates a high sulphate environment, which may be acid or oxidising.

Vein of gypsum cutting older quartz vein in quartz-clay altered rhyolite. Plane polarised light, field of view = 3.0 mm.
Vein of gypsum cutting older quartz vein in quartz-clay altered rhyolite. Plane polarised light, field of view = 3.0 mm.
Same as above, crossed polarisers. Gypsum is also close to isotropic.
Same as above, crossed polarisers. Gypsum is also close to isotropic.

Illite-Smectite At temperatures between about 150 and 230°C and in the presence of near neutral to slightly acid fluids, alteration is often dominated by interlayered illite-smectite clays, with the percentage of illite interlayering increasing with temperature.  XRD analysis is the best method to verify the presence and amount of interlayering.

The mafic (pyroxene?) phenocrysts in this andesite have been altered to illite-smectite and opaque minerals (pyrite), feldspar phenocrysts (top right, bottom left) to illite-smectite, and the groundmass to intergrown quartz, illite-smectite and pyrite. Plane polarised light, field of view = 3.0 mm.
The mafic (pyroxene?) phenocrysts in this andesite have been altered to illite-smectite and opaque minerals (pyrite), feldspar phenocrysts (top right, bottom left) to illite-smectite, and the groundmass to intergrown quartz, illite-smectite and pyrite. Plane polarised light, field of view = 3.0 mm.
S11239 illite-smectite 70 30 q py 2
Same as above, crossed polarisers.

Illite with no interlayered smectite forms at temperatures above 230°C in active geothermal systems where there are near neutral to slightly acid fluids.  It is often accompanied by quartz and chlorite.

Illite has replaced most of the plagioclase in this sample, with chlorite and calcite common in the surrounding groundmass. Plain polarised light, field of view 3.0 mm.
Colourless illite has replaced most of the plagioclase in this sample, with chlorite and calcite common in the surrounding groundmass. Plain polarised light, field of view = 3.0 mm.
Same as above, crossed polarisers. Note the high birefringence colours compared with interlayered illite-smectite.
Same as above, crossed polarisers. Note the high birefringence colours compared with interlayered illite-smectite.

Jarosite is an iron sulphate that forms by weathering or low temperature hydrothermal alteration of pyrite and other sulphides, often in the presence of acid fluids.  It can resemble epidote where it is well crystalline, though it is often very fine and granular.  There is a sodium variety (natro-jarosite) that is almost identical, and best distinguished with XRD analysis.

Yellow to brown jarosite with colourless scorodite and clear quartz. Plane polarised light, field of view = 1.2 mm.
Yellow to brown jarosite with colourless scorodite and clear quartz. Plane polarised light, field of view = 1.2 mm.
Same as above, crossed polarisers.
Same as above, crossed polarisers.

Kaolinite is a clay that usually forms in acid conditions, but can also form from cool (less than about 220°C) low salinity waters with near-neutral pH, or during weathering.  Good XRD analysis is required to discriminate between kaolinite and the other kandite polymorphs (dickite, nacrite), which form at higher temperatures.  Kaolinite is common in late-stage hydrothermal overprints, where it may be accompanied by carbonates.

This schist is cut by a vein with prismatic quartz crystals at the margins and fine kaolinite in the centre. Plane polarised light, field of view = 3.0 mm.
This schist is cut by a vein with prismatic quartz crystals at the margins and fine kaolinite in the centre. Plane polarised light, field of view = 3.0 mm.
Same as above, crossed polarisers.
Same as above, crossed polarisers.

Laumontite, a calcium zeolite, forms under low temperature (<220°C), neutral pH hydrothermal conditions, generally where fCO2 is low. In this case, fCO2 must have increased later, so that calcite was deposited between the laumontite crystals. Laumontite also forms in low grade regional and thermal metamorphism.

Tabular laumontite crystals are intergrown with coarse calcite in this 1 mm wide vein, which cuts across a quartz-rich altered rock. Plane polarised light, field of view = 1.2 mm.
Tabular laumontite crystals are intergrown with coarse calcite in this 1 mm wide vein, which cuts across a quartz-rich altered rock. Plane polarised light, field of view = 1.2 mm.
Same as above, crossed polarisers.
Same as above, crossed polarisers.

Luzonite is a polymorph of enargite, and like it, forms in acid conditions, generally in high-sulphidation epithermal gold deposits.  It can be difficult to distinguish from enargite, but twinning should be visible within crystals.

Luzonite with inclusions of gold.  Reflected light, field of view = 1.2 mm.
Same as above, crossed polarisers.

Magnetite generally forms at temperatures over 300°C in hydrothermal systems, though it is also a primary mineral in many volcanic and plutonic rocks. It is common in gold-rich porphyry deposits, some skarns, and iron oxide copper gold deposits.

Medium grained magnetite crystals (grey) and interstitial chalcopyrite with quartz/feldspar gangue (dark grey). Reflected light, field of view = 1.2 mm.
Medium grained magnetite crystals (grey) and interstitial chalcopyrite with quartz/feldspar gangue (dark grey). Reflected light, field of view = 1.2 mm.

Natrolite, a sodium zeolite, forms under low temperature (usually <150°C), neutral pH hydrothermal conditions, so occurs in the shallow parts of some hydrothermal and epithermal systems.  XRD analysis is required for positive identification.

Colourless radiating acicular natrolite has replaced the groundmass between primary feldspar, augite, biotite and magnetite crystals. Plane polarised light, field of view = 1.2 mm.
Colourless radiating acicular natrolite has replaced the groundmass between primary feldspar, augite, biotite and magnetite crystals. Plane polarised light, field of view = 1.2 mm.
Same as above, crossed polarisers.
Same as above, crossed polarisers.

Opal is an amorphous, hydrous silica mineraloid (not a true mineral because it lacks a crystal structure) that forms where temperatures are low (<120°C), silica contents are high, and often, though not always, where pH is low (acid). It forms at very shallow levels in geothermal systems, including in sinters and  scales within wells and pipelines, and over time gradually reverts to quartz.

Opal has replaced the groundmass and all primary phenocrysts in this dacite except for quartz. Plane polarised light, field of view = 3.0 mm.
Opal has replaced the groundmass and all primary phenocrysts in this dacite except for quartz. Plane polarised light, field of view = 3.0 mm.
Same as above, crossed polarisers.
Same as above, crossed polarisers.

Prehnite: hydrothermal prehnite is most common in basic volcanics and calcareous sediments, and usually in areas of low permeability, though it can be found in veins and depositing inside geothermal wells. It generally indicates temperatures above 210°C, and fluids of near neutral pH.

RD-C1 prehnite ep1
Prehnite-epidote vein: colourless to pale green prehnite is accompanied by minor yellow epidote (bottom), and small open cavities (top). Plane polarised light, field of view = 3.0 mm.
RD-C1 prehnite ep2
Same as above, crossed polarisers.

Pumpellyite: like prehnite, hydrothermal pumpellyite is most common in mafic volcanics where permeability is low.  It generally forms in neutral pH fluids at temperatures above 270°C, and is associated with minerals like chlorite, epidote, prehnite and wairakite.

A vesicle in andesite is lined with quartz, chlorite and calcite, and filled with clusters of pale green radiating pumpellyite crystals. Plane polarised light, field of view = 3.0 mm.
Same as above, crossed polarisers.

Framboidal Pyrite:  Pyrite is common in many mineral deposits, but framboidal pyrite is much less common.  This form of pyrite rarely occurs in some hydrothermal deposits, including quartz-rich epithermal veins, as in this example. The conditions that lead to the deposition of pyrite framboids are uncertain, but include a low temperature reducing environment, and possibly a magnetic precursor mineral.

Framboidal pyrite, comprising very fine pyrite cubes arranged in small (10 to 30 micron) spheres. Reflected light, field of view = 0.25 mm (250 microns).

Pyrophyllite indicates acid (pH<4) fluids, and usually high temperatures (>220°, especially where diaspore and dickite/nacrite or quartz are also present), though in places it coexists with opal (i.e. low T). It is present in some high sulphidation epithermal deposits, and in porphyry lithocaps.

The fine clay that has replaced most of the phenocrysts in this rock is pyrophyllite. It is accompanied by diaspore, quartz and opaque minerals (pyrite) while the groundmass has been replaced by fine grained quartz. Plane polarised light, field of view = 3.0 mm.
The fine clay that has replaced most of the phenocrysts in this rock is pyrophyllite. It is accompanied by diaspore, quartz and opaque minerals (pyrite) while the groundmass has been replaced by fine grained quartz. Plane polarised light, field of view = 3.0 mm.
Same as above, crossed polarisers.
Same as above, crossed polarisers.

Quartz forms under a very wide range of conditions, and is stable in all but very acid fluids. The closely spaced banding in this vein indicates rapidly fluctuating conditions, which is typical of epithermal veins.

Quartz occurs in alternating bands of medium grained prismatic crystals, fine, and extremely fine mosaic textured quartz (indicating very rapid deposition), along with intervals of colloform chalcedony, which has now recrystallised to fine quartz. Plain polarised light, field of view = 3.0 mm.
Quartz occurs in alternating bands of medium grained prismatic crystals, fine, and extremely fine mosaic textured quartz (indicating very rapid deposition), along with intervals of colloform chalcedony, which has now recrystallised to fine quartz. Plain polarised light, field of view = 3.0 mm.
Same as above, crossed polarisers.
Same as above, crossed polarisers.

Realgar (and orpiment) forms at low temperatures from arsenic-rich fluids. The melting point is 307°C, but it is generally deposited at less than 200°C, and sometimes <100°C in hot springs.

This sulphide rich rock contains three different grey minerals: sphalerite, realgar and orpiment. Reflected light, field of view = 3.0 mm.
This sulphide rich rock contains three different grey minerals: sphalerite, realgar and orpiment. Reflected light, field of view = 3.0 mm.
Same as above, crossed polarisers.
Same as above, crossed polarisers.

Rhodochrosite is a manganese carbonate that is usually pink in hand specimen, and occurs in some epithermal and orogenic gold deposits.  Manganese minerals are commonly regarded as indicative of intermediate sulphidation epithermal deposits, but this example is from the Martha Mine, Waihi (New Zealand), which is generally regarded as a type example of low sulphidation mineralisation.  Like other carbonates, rhodochrosite can form over a wide temperature range and generally near neutral to slightly acid conditions.

Coarse prismatic rhodochrosite crystals with coarse gypsum and fine quartz and pyrite. The rhodochrosite is rimmed by black manganese oxides. Plane polarised light, field of view = 3.0 mm.
Same as above, crossed polarisers.

Scorodite is usually of supergene origin, and forms in an oxidising environment where arsenic is commmon. 

Scorodite replacing rhombic crystals of arsenopyrite, with interstitial quartz and pyrite. Plane polarised light, field of view 1.2 mm.
Same as above, crossed polarisers.

Stibnite is a shiny grey metallic antimony mineral that is often present in shallow levels of epithermal systems.  Crystals are soft, and often twinned and bent.

Intergrown stibnite crystals. Reflected light, field of view = 3.0 mm.


Same as above, crossed polarisers.

Sulphur generally indicates cool, acid, and oxidising conditions, where it can form by the oxidation of H2S, or reduction of SO2. But liquid sulphur has also been observed at higher temperatures in geothermal and oil wells above its melting point (113°C).

High relief yellowish sulphur crystals are intergrown with fine alunite needles, quartz and opaques (pyrite). Because of its' low melting point, sulphur is sometimes destroyed when thin sections are being made. Plane polarised light, field of view = 3.0 mm.
High relief yellowish sulphur crystals are intergrown with fine alunite needles, quartz and opaques (pyrite). Because of its’ low melting point, sulphur is sometimes destroyed when thin sections are being made. Plane polarised light, field of view = 3.0 mm.
Same as above, crossed polarisers.
Same as above, crossed polarisers.

Talc can form at high temperature in hydrothermal systems, where it coexists with minerals like actinolite, but can also form at low temperature due to weathering. In this instance, smectite suggests that it formed at low temperature.

Euhedral olivine crystals in this basalt have been replaced by talc, with fine opaques, and some brownish smectite around the margins, while plagioclase and augite phenocrysts are unaltered. Plane polarised light, field of view = 3.0 mm.
Euhedral olivine crystals in this basalt have been replaced by talc, with fine opaques, and some brownish smectite around the margins, while plagioclase and augite phenocrysts are unaltered. Plane polarised light, field of view = 3.0 mm.
Same as above, crossed polarisers.
Same as above, crossed polarisers.

Tourmaline generally deposits from hydrothermal solutions where there is a strong magmatic influence, and therefore in the deeper and hotter (>250°C) parts of geothermal systems.

Radiating clusters of pale green pleochroic tourmaline are intergrown with quartz. Plane polarised light, field of view = 1.2 mm.
Same as above, crossed polarisers.

Wairakite forms at temperatures above 200°C, in fluids of near neutral pH, and low CO2.  Vein crystals often indicate boiling.

Vein of wairakite. Plane polarised light, field of view 1.2 mm.
Vein of wairakite. Plane polarised light, field of view 1.2 mm.
Same as above, crossed polarisers. Note the characteristic cross-hatch twinning.

Zoisite forms under similar conditions to epidote, but is more common in contact and regional metamorphic rocks, and in skarns than in geothermal systems.

Intergrown zoisite and quartz crystals. Plane polarised light, field of view 3.0 mm.
Intergrown zoisite and quartz crystals. Plane polarised light, field of view 3.0 mm.
Same as above, crossed polarisers. Note the grey to black, and locally anomalous blue birefringence colours of zoisite.
Same as above, crossed polarisers. Note the grey to black, and locally anomalous blue birefringence colours of zoisite.